"Lost Colors" is a captivating interactive story about Lilac, a girl whose world has lost its color. After a year of isolation, a mysterious witch knocks on her door, offering a return to the outside world. Embark on an enchanting 30-minute adventure filled with stargazing, potion-making, and playful cat chases! Support the game for $3 or more to join the creator's journey and receive a special digital art collection.
App Features:
- Engaging Story: Experience Lilac's captivating tale and her encounter with the witch.
- Multilingual Support: Enjoy the app in English or 한국어.
- Unique Gameplay: Engage in stargazing, potion-making, and cat-chasing activities.
- Perfect Playtime: Approximately 30 minutes of immersive gameplay.
- Support the Developer: Your $3+ purchase supports the creator's future projects and includes a digital art collection.
- Exclusive Perks: Subscribe to the newsletter for secret updates, monthly digital postcards, and early access to future games.
Immerse yourself in the magical world of ~ever since last autumn, everything that lilac touches loses its colour. one night, she wakes up and hears a knock on her door...~ "Lost Colors" offers a unique and engaging narrative with delightful gameplay. Support the developer, receive exclusive rewards, and experience a captivating 30-minute adventure. Download now!