Doukutsu Penguin Club's upcoming 3D adventure game, A Tiny Wander, promises a unique and calming experience. Set for release on PC in 2025, with a potential mobile launch, the game casts players as Buu, an anthropomorphic pig tasked with delivering a package through the ominous "Forest of No Return."
This isn't your typical high-stakes adventure. Instead, A Tiny Wander focuses on a soothing, exploration-driven gameplay loop. Buu's nighttime journey involves interacting with fellow travelers, setting up camp, sharing refreshments, and unraveling the mystery surrounding the Moon Mansion's enigmatic master. The game steers clear of horror tropes, offering a relaxing contrast to stressful daily life.
While a Steam release is confirmed for 2025, mobile availability remains uncertain. However, given the game's relaxing nature, a mobile port would be a welcome addition for on-the-go unwinding. For those seeking immediate relaxation, check out our curated list of the best relaxing mobile games!