The beloved magical girl anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica is making a comeback this spring with a brand-new mobile game! Madoka Magica Magia Exedra has already surpassed 400,000 pre-registrations.
This iconic anime, a darker take on the classic "magical girl" trope, explores the grim realities of deadly magical battles for young girls. It's a refreshing contrast to the more cheerful series like Sailor Moon.
Pre-registering for Madoka Magica Magia Exedra nets you in-game currency (Magica Stones) and an exclusive character portrait. Hitting 500,000 pre-registrations unlocks a 5-star Madoka!
While Madoka Magica might be relatively recent for some, its impact on anime fandom is undeniable. This new mobile game release is a testament to its enduring popularity. The slightly unwieldy title aside, fans are eagerly anticipating its arrival.
Ready to join the magical fight? Pre-register on the official website! And for more anime gaming adventures, check out our list of the top 17 best anime games!