NetEase Games and Naked Rain's Project Mugen, now officially titled Ananta, has unveiled a captivating teaser trailer. This urban, open-world RPG offers a glimpse into its expansive world, diverse characters, and the looming threat of chaotic forces. A new PV showcases Nova City, the game's sprawling metropolis, along with its compelling cast and the formidable enemies they confront.
While comparisons to MiHoYo's titles like Zenless Zone Zero are inevitable, Ananta distinguishes itself, particularly in its impressive movement mechanics. The trailer highlights dynamic traversal, leaving open the possibility of seamless movement across the cityscape, reminiscent of Spider-Man's agility. The game blends charming characters with visually stunning combat, a formula popular in today's 3D RPG landscape.
The PV's showcase of fluid movement is particularly striking. Whether this translates to instanced areas or truly free-roaming exploration remains to be seen.
While Ananta shares similarities with MiHoYo's Hoyoverse portfolio, NetEase aims to carve its own niche in the 3D gacha RPG market. The ultimate test will be whether Ananta can stand out from the competition and potentially challenge the current genre leaders.
In the meantime, explore our latest list of top five new mobile games to keep you entertained while awaiting Ananta's release.