Create multiple shopping lists, share them with roommates, and receive smart suggestions for common items. Fairly distribute chores using a points system and track task completion. Split bills effortlessly and monitor group spending. Maintain a shared calendar for everyone's events and use the integrated chat with polls for easy group decision-making. Invite flatmates with a simple link, and enjoy offline access to key features. Unlock even more with OurFlat Pro!
Download OurFlat today and simplify shared living. Follow us on social media for user surveys and helpful tips. Send feedback or suggestions to [email protected]
App Features:
- Instant Access: No sign-up or lengthy setup required. Start using the app immediately.
- Smart Grocery Lists: Create, share, and manage multiple shopping lists with intelligent item suggestions.
- Effortless Chore Management: Assign tasks, track progress, and ensure fair chore distribution using a points system. View task history for accountability.
- Simple Bill Splitting: Easily add expenses, track group spending, and maintain an up-to-date balance for everyone.
- Collaborative Calendar: Create and share events, set reminders, and coordinate schedules with ease. Control event visibility for privacy.
- Integrated Chat & Polls: Communicate effectively and make group decisions quickly using the built-in chat and polling features.
In short: OurFlat provides a comprehensive solution for managing shared living, offering user-friendly tools for grocery lists, chore assignments, bill splitting, scheduling, and communication. Download now and experience a more organized and collaborative shared living experience.