Step into the captivating world of Kirumi, where a student's disappearance triggers a chilling curse upon their school. Unravel the mystery and lift the malevolent curse before it consumes everything. This gripping adventure game blends suspense, mystery, and puzzle-solving.
Key Features:
- Intriguing Narrative: Investigate the unsettling disappearance of Kirumi and the subsequent curse that plagues the school.
- Supernatural Challenge: Confront the curse head-on through a series of engaging puzzles and challenges.
- Immersive Experience: Explore the eerie atmosphere of the cursed school, encountering spine-tingling moments.
- Multiple Outcomes: Your decisions shape the game's ending, offering replay value and suspense.
- Engaging Gameplay: Uncover the truth through a compelling story filled with shocking twists and turns.
Gameplay Controls:
- Gamepad compatible
- Tap to move; long press to accelerate
- Two-finger gestures for menu access and dialogue box control
- Unzip/Install the game.
- Apply any necessary cracks.
- Launch the game.
Final Verdict:
Kirumi is a captivating mystery adventure that will keep you guessing. Download now and embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind the curse. Can you solve the mystery?