Dive into the captivating world of Three Realms Conflict, a mobile MMORPG fairy tale brimming with intrigue. Witness the clash of supreme power, earthly dominion, and enigmatic forces in a unified realm. War transcends mere human conflict...
Ancient China, a land of numerous clans vying for dominance in the fertile plains of the Yellow and Yangtze River basins. Millennia of peace breed no heroes. Ascend the throne and defy the influence of others! Three powerful tribal leaders—Huynh De (Hien Vien), Viem De (Shennong), and Xi Vu—rise to challenge for ultimate power.
A three-year bloodbath erupts in Trac Loc, culminating in Emperor Huynh's victory. 365 heroes of that era are deified, and a gateway between the mortal and immortal realms opens…
A new cycle of reincarnation begins. The descendants of Shennong, Hien Vien, and Xi Vu, scattered yet ambitious, await their moment…
The epic Shang-Zhou war blurs the lines between good and evil, ensnaring immortals, scholars, and demons alike. Will the three realms unite? Will history repeat itself, or will the vanquished escape the cyclical reincarnation? Who will claim the throne?
Developed by Tepaylink Joint Stock Company, Three Realms Divide Mobile boasts a rich narrative, community-driven features (territories, guilds, Golden Boss hunts), and classic MMORPG elements (quests, resource management, equipment upgrades, mounts, and constant PK battles across Manh Tan, Tam Son, and other maps).
Featuring vibrant graphics and diverse gameplay, Three Realms Divide Mobile builds upon the strengths of previous Xianxia titles. It offers many unique and captivating features for players.
What's New in Version 1.0.361
Last updated October 20, 2024
- Synthesis item updates
- Equipped gear quick-key settings update
- New beginner effects added
- Text chat update
- Character name length update
- Enhanced party member interaction
- Battery saving feature added
- Added effects for limited-time and expiring items
- Daily activity tracking feature added