Witness an epic clash between the tyrannical T-Rex and the cunning Raptor Squad! This prehistoric showdown pits the king of dinosaurs against a formidable pack of desert-dwelling velociraptors.
T-Rex, a veteran of battles against Jurassic and Cretaceous giants like Carnotaurus, faces a new challenge: the Raptor Squad. This notorious pack, composed of Omega, Delta, Beta, and the Alpha Raptor (a fearsome blue velociraptor), reigns supreme over the desert, ruthlessly hunting any dinosaur that crosses their path. They're a coordinated team, expertly taking down prey like Parasaurolophus and Gallimimus.
Now, T-Rex arrives to challenge the desert's apex predators, seeking to reaffirm his dominance. The velociraptors refuse to yield, launching a fierce attack. Will the king prevail, or will the Raptor Squad claim victory?
- Use the joystick to control T-Rex or a member of the Raptor Squad.
- Four attack buttons enable diverse attacks.
- Build combos to unlock devastating special attacks.
- Unleash powerful, stunning special attacks to turn the tide of battle.
- Stunning, realistic graphics.
- Choose your side: T-Rex or Raptor Squad.
- Engaging gameplay in a Cretaceous/Jurassic-inspired setting.
- Immersive sound effects and thrilling action music.
- Encounter five distinct desert dinosaurs: T-Rex, Velociraptor, Carnotaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Gallimimus.
Developed by Eric Dibtra