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Wantedly Visit

Wantedly Visit

Application Description

Welcome to Wantedly Visit, where finding your next career move is not just about formal interviews, but about having casual chats with the companies you love. We believe that exploring job opportunities should be fun and engaging, which is why we connect you with companies that share your values and mission. On Wantedly Visit, you can not only discover job opportunities, but also visit companies' offices, meet their team, and immerse yourself in their culture. It's not just about finding someone who looks good on paper, but about finding a team that you truly fit in with. Join us on this journey of creating a world where work drives passion, and let us help you find your dream job!

Features of Wantedly Visit:

⭐️ Discover job opportunities: The app suggests job openings that align with your interests and connections on social networks. You can easily search, bookmark, and stay updated on new job postings.

⭐️ Make informed decisions: Job posts not only provide details about the position but also describe the company's vision and values. Additionally, you can see the individuals you will be working with, helping you make the right career choices.

⭐️ Help friends find jobs or hire: You can promote job opportunities from your favorite companies or assist your friends' startups by sharing their job posts on your social media platforms.

⭐️ Connect with recruiters: The app allows you to send casual messages to companies that have responded to your application. You can set up appointments to visit their offices and have informal chats with recruiters.

⭐️ Share your ambitions: On this platform, you are encouraged to showcase your authentic self. Link your Youtube Channel, Github, Behance, and more. Talk about your hobbies and dreams, as the more you share, the higher the chances of your dream company discovering you.

⭐️ Enjoy the journey: The app aims to make the job exploration process enjoyable. It encourages you to visit companies' offices, meet their people, and experience their work culture firsthand. This way, you can find a career that aligns with your values and passions.


Say goodbye to boring and formal interviews! With Wantedly Visit, you can embark on a fun and exciting journey to discover your next career move. This app offers a unique approach to job searching, focusing on shared values and mission with companies. You can easily find job opportunities, make informed decisions, help others find jobs, connect with recruiters, and showcase your ambitions. By immersing yourself in company culture and engaging in casual conversations, you'll be one step closer to finding your dream job. Join the movement to create a world where work drives passion and download Wantedly Visit today!

  • Wantedly Visit Screenshot 0
  • Wantedly Visit Screenshot 1
  • Wantedly Visit Screenshot 2
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