This visual novel explores the intriguing question: "How do people become demons?" The story unfolds in a women's dormitory rumored to harbor demonic entities. A world protection bureau agent, tasked with guarding the "demon," encounters two seemingly ordinary students. The mystery lies in identifying the true demon among them.
This short adventure unfolds through dialogue and clue-finding, a conversational investigation to unravel the truth. The narrative follows the experiences of the protagonist, grappling with the unusual circumstances.
(Single Ending / No Game Over Screen)
The game features mild horror elements, but contains no genuinely threatening content.
Game Details:
- Engine: RPG Maker MV
- Playtime: Approximately 20-30 minutes
- Streaming: Streaming is permitted without prior notification. Please include the game title in your video description. Use of in-game images for thumbnails is acceptable, but please be mindful of potential spoilers for viewers.
- Derivative Works: Fan-made derivative works are allowed for personal use, without prior notice. Please maintain respectful conduct. Creating derivative games is prohibited.
- Tap: Select/Inspect/Navigate
- Pinch/Two-Finger Tap: Open/Close Menu
- Swipe: Scroll
- This game utilizes ru_shalm's Torigoya_FixMuteAudio plugin, uchuzine's virtual pad plugin for smartphones, and Shirogane's Boot Opening Demo plugin.
- Production Tool: RPG Maker MV
- © Gotcha Gotcha Games Inc./YOJI OJIMA 2015
- Produced by: shizuka
- Published by: Nukazuke Paris Piman
Version 1.0.6 (Updated September 1, 2024):
- API level update