  • Marvel Snap's Deadpool's Diner event is back, running until December 3rd! This fun, high-stakes mode challenges players with escalating betting rounds using in-game currency (Bubs). Conquer each table to unlock increasingly valuable rewards, culminating in the coveted King Eitri and an exclusive J

    by Jane Austen Dec 01,2024

  • Marvel Snap's "We Are Venom" season has arrived, bringing a wave of new content to coincide with the game's second anniversary. Expect exciting events and rewards galore! Season Highlights: The centerpiece is the new High Voltage Mode, running October 16th-24th. This fast-paced mode features three

    by Jane Austen Nov 30,2024

  • World of Tanks Blitz is teaming up with electronic music superstar Deadmau5! This exciting collaboration features a new Deadmau5-themed track with a World of Tanks Blitz music video. Players can also unlock an exclusive Deadmau5-themed tank, the "Mau5tank," boasting custom speakers, lights, and la

    by Jane Austen Nov 30,2024

  • Monumental Games has released Nickelodeon Card Clash, a nostalgic strategy card game for Android. This collectible card game features beloved characters from SpongeBob SquarePants, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Avatar: The Last Airbender, including SpongeBob, Aang, Leonardo, and many more. Pla

    by Jane Austen Nov 30,2024

  • Pocket Hamster Mania, the second title from CDO Apps, is currently a French exclusive but poised for a significant global launch. This charming game allows players to collect over 50 adorable hamsters, engaging in 25 diverse activities across five distinct environments at launch. The game's core me

    by Jane Austen Nov 30,2024

  • Grimguard Tactics, the story-driven dark fantasy RPG for Android and iOS, is expanding with a significant content update a month after its launch. This update introduces the Acolyte, a brand-new support hero class wielding a hand scythe and employing a unique blood-bending ability to control enemie

    by Jane Austen Nov 29,2024

  • Get ready for Wuthering Waves' biggest update yet! Version 2.0, launching January 2nd across all platforms (iOS, Android, PC, and PlayStation 5!), introduces a massive expansion. Key highlights of the Version 2.0 update include: Rinascita: A New Region: Explore a brand-new area, significantly expa

    by Jane Austen Nov 29,2024

  • 《黑岩射手》加入《懲罰:灰烏鴉》

    《懲罰:灰烏鴉》是一款廣受好評的賽博龐克動漫遊戲,它與另一款廣受好評的賽博龐克系列遊戲聯手推出了最新的內容更新。該補丁名為《Blazing Simulacrum》,該補丁將 Kuro Games 視覺效果令人印象深刻的動作角色扮演遊戲《BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER》作為主機。輕鬆地

    by Jane Austen Nov 29,2024

  • 天空:光之子音樂活動:創作自己的曲調

    《天空:光之子》將見證《音樂之日》的回歸,而且比以往任何時候都更加精彩。活動從今天開始一直持續到12月8日。今年的活動是完整的混音活動,經過升級,您可以與 Sky 的孩子們一起作曲、表演和共鳴。 這些日子裡發生了什麼

    by Jane Austen Nov 29,2024

  • 《模擬市民實驗室:城鎮故事》推出,跳過《模擬市民 5》

    如果你一直在等待《模擬市民 5》,我們可能很快就能看到類似的作品正在製作中。如果您在澳大利亞,那麼您實際上已經可以使用它了。但這不是最終產品,目前正處於遊戲測試階段。我說的是新的模擬人生

    by Jane Austen Nov 29,2024