Methods 4: The Best Detective continues the Methods series of crime thriller visual novels
This part ups the ante as we head towards the conclusion
Enjoy the fourth part of this quirky crime thriller, out now on iOS and Android
When it comes to solving crimes it takes the finest minds imaginable, the most experienced of criminologists, forensic pathologists and analysts imaginable must apply deductive reasoning to figure out whodunnit, whendunnit, and whydunnit. Or you can just collect 100 weirdos in the same building and hope for the best; unrelated, but Methods 4 is out now!
Methods 采用非常规的发布策略,将单个发布分为多个部分。 尽管每个部件的价格仅为 0.99 美元,但这种做法无可非议,因为它可以让玩家无风险地体验该系列。只剩下一个部分了,紧张气氛肯定会加剧。
具有独特的艺术风格和游戏玩法,似乎受到《弹丸论破》等犯罪惊悚视觉小说的启发,《Methods》也从同一工作室推出了移动版像布罗托这样的头衔。 从子弹地狱到这个的重大转变,你不觉得吗?
要确定方法是否适合您的喜好,请阅读 Jack Brassel 对方法:侦探竞赛第一部分的评论,并查看他们对这种不寻常的混合的评估犯罪惊悚片和视觉小说。