Embark on a whimsical physics-based adventure as Silky, a charming spider, in A Webbing Journey! Help your human roommates maintain their home by tackling oversized chores with your unique spider skills and an abundance of silk.
Become the ultimate web designer!
Explore a cozy and relaxing environment where your creativity knows no bounds. Swing through rooms, construct intricate webs, and uncover hidden secrets within a vast, detailed house. Each room presents unique challenges and characters, ensuring a consistently fresh and exciting gameplay experience. From the kitchen to the attic, adventure awaits around every corner.
A Story of Rent and Responsibility!
While the humans battle the mortgage, it's up to the spiders to keep the home tidy. This isn't just any cleaning spree; it's a sacred rite of rent! Join Silky and the Web Scrubbers as you complete chores without causing too much (or any!) mayhem. Accept the challenge?
Unleash the Funky Features!
- Unrestricted Exploration: Scale any surface, even upside down or underwater!
- Dynamic Web Creation: Design elaborate web structures, limited only by your imagination.
- Precise Web-Swinging: Master responsive web-swinging mechanics for effortless navigation.
- Interactive World: Manipulate hundreds of physics-based objects and weave them into your creations.
- Customizable Spider: Personalize Silky's appearance with outfits, hats, shoes, and varying levels of fluffiness.
- Diverse Tasks: Complete over 100 unique and oversized chores.
- Embrace the Chaos: Unleash your inner spider and create web-based pandemonium! Each playthrough is unique.
- Hidden Treasures: Discover countless secrets within the house's seven distinct rooms, each with its own architectural style.
- Breakable Objects: Experience the satisfying crunch of breaking objects as you build your webs.