Home News La piel de Santa Shaq ya está disponible en Fortnite

La piel de Santa Shaq ya está disponible en Fortnite

Author : Camila Dec 26,2024

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Fortnite's collaborations with celebrities continue! Shaquille O'Neal's latest Fortnite appearance features a festive Winterfest skin. This guide covers everything you need to know about acquiring the Santa Shaq cosmetic set, including its price and availability.

How to Get Santa Shaq in Fortnite

The Winterfest Shaquille O'Neal skin is a must-have, boasting an appealing design. Unlike some free cosmetic items, the Santa Shaq set isn't free and must be purchased from the Fortnite Item Shop.

To obtain Santa Shaq, purchase it from the Item Shop for 1,500 V-Bucks. This includes the LEGO-style Santa Shaq skin and the Shaqback back bling. A bundle option is also available, offering all items in the set.

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