ニュース Fortnite:武器の専門知識クエストを完了する方法


著者 : Michael Feb 27,2025

このガイドでは、FortniteのWeapon Expertise Questsは、強力な伝説的な武器でプレイヤーに報いるシステムです。特定のNPCに関連付けられたこれらのクエストは、XPとユニークな武器へのアクセスを提供します。





Legendary WeaponUnlock MethodNPC Location
Fury Assault RifleComplete Hope's Assault Rifle Expertise QuestsHopeful Heights
Oni ShotgunComplete Ruji's Shotgun Expertise QuestsNorthwest of Lost Lake
Surgefire SMGComplete Vengeance Jones's SMG Expertise QuestsEast of Shattered Span
Void & Fire Oni MasksComplete Daigo's Mask Expertise QuestsMasked Meadows
Typhoon BladeComplete Kendo's Melee Expertise QuestsNortheast of Nightshift Forest



Deal 15,000 damage to players with Assault Rifles25,000 XP
Deal 7,500 headshot damage with Assault Rifles25,000 XP
Hit 100 players with Assault Rifles in a single match25,000 XP
Eliminate 50 players with ARs (10 players remaining)25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players with Assault Rifles & win a match25,000 XP
**Complete all 5 quests****Fury AR**
Eliminate 5 players with ARsRestock


Deal 10,000 damage to players with Shotguns25,000 XP
Hit 250 players within 15m after sliding/sprinting (5s)25,000 XP
Hit 15 different players with Shotguns in a single match25,000 XP
Hit 50 players with two Shotgun blasts within 1 second or less25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players with Shotguns in a single match and win25,000 XP
**Complete all 5 quests****Oni Shotgun**
Eliminate 5 players with ShotgunsRestock


Deal 12,500 damage to players with SMGs25,000 XP
Eliminate 30 players with SMGs within 10s of using another weapon type25,000 XP
Hit 125 players within 30m with SMGs in a single match25,000 XP
Hit 50 players with 10 SMG shots in 3 seconds or less25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players with SMGs in a single match and win25,000 XP
**Complete all 5 quests****Surgefire SMG**
Eliminate players with SMGsRestock


Deal 10,000 damage to players with the Fire Oni Mask25,000 XP
Deal 2,500 damage within 15s of teleporting with a Void Oni Mask25,000 XP
Hit 10 different players with the Fire Oni Mask in a single match25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players within 10s of teleporting with a Void Oni Mask25,000 XP
Down or eliminate a masked player with a Fire Oni Mask25,000 XP
**Complete all 5 quests****Oni Masks**
Eliminate 5 players with the Fire Oni MaskRestock


Travel 1,000m or deal 1,000 damage with the Typhoon Blade25,000 XP
Hit 150 Demon Grunts/Warriors with the Typhoon Blade25,000 XP
Hit 10 different players/demons with the Typhoon Blade in a single match25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players within 10s of sprinting/jumping with the Typhoon Blade25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players with the Typhoon Blade in a single match and win25,000 XP
**Complete all 5 quests****Typhoon Blade**


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