ニュース CODのすべてのクリーバーカモのロックを解除する方法:bo6&warzone


著者 : Dylan Feb 21,2025

このガイドでは、Call of Duty:Black Ops 6、Warzone、およびZombiesモードで利用可能なすべてのCleaver Camosを詳しく説明しています。 Squid Gameイベント中に導入されたCleaverは、さまざまな範囲のカモフラージュロック解除を提供しています。以下は、ゲームモードに分類される包括的なリストです。

すべてのブラックops 6クリーバーカモ

Black Ops 6 Cleaver Camos

Camo TypeCleaver CamoHow To Unlock
**Military Camos**GraniteGet 5 melee kills with the Cleaver
WoodlandGet 10 melee kills with the Cleaver
SavannaGet 15 melee kills with the Cleaver
SplinterGet 20 melee kills with the Cleaver
MossGet 30 melee kills with the Cleaver
SaboteurGet 40 melee kills with the Cleaver
DigitalGet 50 melee kills with the Cleaver
TideGet 75 melee kills with the Cleaver
Red TigerGet 100 melee kills with the Cleaver
**Special Camos**Creepy CryptUnlock all Military Camos for the Cleaver in Black Ops 6; Get 50 melee kills with the Cleaver while the Strategist Combat Specialty is active
Luminous LeopardUnlock all Military Camos for the Cleaver in Black Ops 6; Get a kill with the Cleaver without taking damage 30 times
**Mastery Camos**GoldUnlock both Special Camos for the Cleaver in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer; Get 10 Double Kills with the Cleaver
DiamondUnlock Gold on the Cleaver; Unlock Gold on two other Melee Weapons; Get 3 kills with the Cleaver without dying 10 times
Dark SpineUnlock Diamond on the Cleaver; Unlock Diamond on 33 other weapons; Get 3 triple kills with the Cleaver
Dark MatterUnlock Dark Spine on the Cleaver; Unlock Dark Spine on 33 other weapons; Get 5 kills with the Cleaver without dying 3 times

すべてのWarzone Cleaver Camos

Warzone Cleaver Camos

Camo TypeCleaver CamoHow To Unlock
**Military Camos**QuartzGet 2 melee kills with the Cleaver
TundraGet 5 melee kills with the Cleaver
CanyonGet 10 melee kills with the Cleaver
PineGet 15 melee kills with the Cleaver
UndergrowthGet 20 melee kills with the Cleaver
SnakeskinGet 25 melee kills with the Cleaver
SiberiaGet 30 melee kills with the Cleaver
SmolderGet 40 melee kills with the Cleaver
Blue TigerGet 50 melee kills with the Cleaver
**Special Camos**Ghostly GroundsUnlock all Military Camos on the Cleaver in Warzone; Get 3 kills with the Cleaver in a single match of Warzone 5 times
Blazing LeopardUnlock all Military Camos on the Cleaver in Warzone; Get 5 kills with the Cleaver whilst an enemy UAV is active
**Mastery Camos**Gold TigerUnlock both Cleaver Special Camos in Warzone; Get 3 kills with the Cleaver whilst being the Most Wanted Contract target
King's RansomUnlock Gold Tiger on the Cleaver; Unlock Gold Tiger on 2 other Melee Weapons; Get 3 kills with the Cleaver without dying 2 times
CatalystUnlock King's Ransom on the Cleaver; Unlock King's Ransom on 33 other weapons; Kill 3 Operators affected by your Stun Grenade, Flash Grenade, or Shock Charge with the Cleaver
AbyssUnlock Catalyst on the Cleaver; Unlock Catalyst on 33 other weapons; Get 5 kills with the Cleaver without dying


Zombies Cleaver Camos

Camo TypeCleaver CamoHow To Unlock
**Military Camos**SlateGet 100 melee kills with the Cleaver
DesertGet 200 melee kills with the Cleaver
EvergreenGet 300 melee kills with the Cleaver
RuggedGet 400 melee kills with the Cleaver
GrimGet 600 melee kills with the Cleaver
StripeGet 800 melee kills with the Cleaver
OceanicGet 1000 melee kills with the Cleaver
WhiteoutGet 1500 melee kills with the Cleaver
Purple TigerGet 2000 melee kills with the Cleaver
**Special Camos**Tragic TombUnlock all Military Camos on the Cleaver in Zombies; Kill 75 armored zombies with the Cleaver
Shock LeopardUnlock all Military Camos on the Cleaver in Zombies; Get 300 kills with a Cleaver of Rare rarity or higher
**Mastery Camos**Mystic GoldUnlock both Cleaver Special Camos in Zombies; Get 10 melee kills rapidly 15 times with the Cleaver
OpalUnlock Mystic Gold on the Cleaver; Unlock Mystic Gold on two other Melee Weapons; Kill 30 Special Zombies with the Cleaver
AfterlifeUnlock Opal on the Cleaver; Unlock Opal on 33 other weapons; Get 20 consecutive kills with the Cleaver without dying
NebulaUnlock Afterlife on the Cleaver; Unlock Afterlife on 33 other weapons; Kill 10 Elite Zombies with the Cleaver


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