DC Studios co-chief James Gunn recently revealed that the upcoming film adaptation of The Authority, a brutally effective superhero team from the WildStorm Universe, has been moved to the back burner. This surprising announcement comes two years after the project was unveiled as part of the larger Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters DC Universe reboot. Initially described as a "big movie," The Authority has apparently encountered significant hurdles.
Gunn cited the project's complexity and the success of Amazon's The Boys as contributing factors to the delay. He explained that adapting The Authority in a landscape already shaped by similar, successful properties presents unique challenges, particularly in balancing the story with other ongoing DC projects and characters. The need to integrate existing characters and storylines into the film further complicates the process.
One character from The Authority, the technologically gifted Angela Spica (The Engineer), is slated to appear in the upcoming Superman film. The Engineer, known for her self-duplication abilities, technopathy, genius-level intellect, and radio-induced telepathy, is arguably the team's most powerful member. (For a deeper dive into The Authority characters, check out IGN's article: Who Are the Authority: The WildStorm DCU Characters Explained.)
The Authority isn't the only project facing setbacks within the Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters slate. Gunn mentioned that Waller, a spinoff of Peacemaker, has experienced some delays. However, other projects, including Booster Gold (described as "going pretty strong") and Paradise Lost ("totally still important and we're working heavily on it"), are progressing well, with the latter's pilot currently being written.
Regarding Swamp Thing, DC Studios is willing to accommodate director James Mangold's schedule, allowing him to complete other projects before returning to the film. This is because, as Gunn clarified, Swamp Thing isn't intrinsically linked to the overarching narrative of Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters.
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