Disney's hit animated film, "Frozen," has embarked on an exciting collaboration with Tencent's popular mobile game, Honor of Kings! Elsa and Anna have joined the game's roster, bringing a touch of Arendelle magic to the battlefield. Even the game's minions have gotten a frosty makeover, sporting adorable Olaf costumes.
A winter wonderland has descended upon Honor of Kings, courtesy of the beloved "Frozen" characters.
TiMi Studio Group announced the release of exclusive in-game cosmetic items to celebrate this partnership. Lady Zhen receives a stunning Elsa-inspired skin, while Si Shi's appearance is transformed with an Anna-themed design.
The festive atmosphere is further enhanced by Olaf snowmen replacing standard creeps, along with captivating visual effects, a refreshed user interface, and an icy lobby.
Players can acquire these special skins through various methods. Lady Zhen's Elsa skin is available via a gacha system, while Anna's Si Shi skin can be obtained by completing in-game challenges. Daily logins also reward players with a unique Cold Heart avatar frame.
This enchanting "Frozen" collaboration and its associated events will run until February 2nd, 2025.