Soaring Blackstar Savia, the newest Legendary adventurer in Wizardry Variants Daphne, is making waves! This evasive expert specializes in dodging enemy attacks before unleashing devastating counter-strikes. This update also brings a bounty of new missions and rewards.
Following the game's recent milestone of one million downloads and the launch of its official shop, Wizardry Variants Daphne continues to expand. Savia's abilities, Black Beast Feint and Soaring Beast Knight, significantly boost evasion, making her a formidable addition to any team. Black Beast Feint increases evasion and weakens a row of enemies, while a successful evade triggers a defense-piercing counterattack. Soaring Beast Knight further enhances evasion when equipped with a two-handed spear and light armor.
Players can now embark on new Freedom Missions and Special Requests. The Jet Black Knight of Freedom Missions, running until March 5th, offers rewards like Unique Remains: Soaring Blackstar and the Codex of Learning for completing objectives and earning points.
Evasion is Key
Limited-Time Requests at the Adventurer's Guild offer Clock Tomes for completing tasks like defeating goblins and the Red Spinner Woman. This event concludes on February 19th. Additionally, Den Dispatch requests, available until February 26th, provide various iron ores.
For the uninitiated, Wizardry Variants Daphne is a 3D dungeon RPG, the latest entry in a beloved series. The core gameplay loop involves exploring dungeons, collecting loot, and growing stronger—a satisfyingly addictive cycle!
Wizardry Variants Daphne is available for free on the App Store and Google Play, with in-app purchases. Download it now!