

Application Description

Introducing VoiceGPT, the revolutionary AI chatbot app that brings the power of GPT-3/4 technology to your fingertips, or should we say, your voice. This app isn't just for the tech-savvy, it's a game-changer for anyone who has struggled with text-based communication, whether it's due to eye issues or dyslexia. With VoiceGPT, you can activate the app through voice commands or even a hotkey, making it incredibly convenient. It doesn't stop there, this app can even understand written language in pictures! Explore the endless possibilities and experience the future of communication with this app. Sign up now for a lifetime of free updates and technological exploration.

Features of VoiceGPT:

  • Universal Accessibility: VoiceGPT is a revolutionary AI chatbot app that benefits everyone, especially those with eye issues or dyslexia. It understands spoken directions and makes communication simple and accessible.
  • Modern Features: With VoiceGPT, you can activate the app without touching your phone by using a hotkey or saying a specific phrase. It also offers a multitasking feature called InstaBubble for seamless switching between VoiceGPT and other activities.
  • Assistant and RunGPT Integration: The app can be set as your default assistant, making it easily accessible with a long press of the home or power button. It also integrates with other apps like Tasker, allowing for more customization and programming options.
  • Existing Features: VoiceGPT is highly rated and can read text from photos using OCR technology. It responds to voice commands and supports multiple languages. You can also share and export conversations for easy communication.
  • News and Updates: The VoiceGPT team continuously improves the app, addressing issues, enhancing functionality, and introducing new features. Users can expect a lifetime of free updates and technological advancements.
  • Connecting Web Browsers: VoiceGPT is not just an app, but also a flexible mobile web browser that recommends AI-driven websites and services with a single touch, making web browsing easier and more personalized.


VoiceGPT is a game-changing AI chatbot app that offers universal accessibility, modern features like hotword activation and multitasking, integration with other apps, powerful existing features for text recognition and communication, regular updates and improvements, and a unique web browsing experience. Download the app now to experience the future of speech-operated AI communication.

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  • VoiceGPT Screenshot 1
  • VoiceGPT Screenshot 2
  • VoiceGPT Screenshot 3
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