

Application Description

Thenics is not your average fitness app. It goes beyond simply lifting weights or increasing reps. Instead, it focuses on helping you achieve impressive calisThenics skills and develop functional muscles. Whether you're interested in street workouts, CrossFit, or calisThenics movements like Bar Brothers and Barstarzz, this app has you covered.

With a wide range of skills to choose from, including muscle-ups, planches, front levers, and handstand push-ups, this app provides detailed descriptions and technique explanations for each skill. What sets it apart from other fitness apps is its emphasis on progressions. Each skill is broken down into several progressions, allowing you to learn step by step and adapt to your current level.

But that's not all. This app also offers Pro Skills like one-arm pull-ups, human flags, and one-arm handstands for those looking to take their training to the next level. And to make your workout planning easier, the app provides personalized workout plans generated by the Thenics Coach.

Features of Thenics:

  • Impressive CalisThenics Skills: The app helps users achieve impressive calisThenics skills like Muscle Up, Planche, Front Lever, Back Lever, Pistol Squat, Handstand Push Up, and V-Sit.
  • Pro Skills: In addition to the basic skills, the app also offers advanced skills like One Arm Pull Up, Human Flag, One Arm Push Up, One Arm Handstand, Shrimp Squat, and Hefesto.
  • Descriptions and Technique Explanation: The app provides detailed descriptions and technique explanations for each skill and progression, allowing users to learn step by step at their own pace.
  • Progressions and Workouts: Every skill is divided into several progressions, each including different workouts. This helps users gradually improve their abilities and adapt to their current fitness level.
  • Personalized Workout Plans: The app's Thenics Coach generates personalized workout plans based on the user's goals and conditions. This ensures that users have a customized plan to follow, tailored to their specific needs.
  • Focus on Impressive Skills: Unlike other fitness apps that mainly focus on lifting weights or increasing repetitions, this app is unique in its emphasis on achieving new impressive skills. Users not only gain strength and lean functional muscles, but also master incredible calisThenics abilities.


Download now and unlock a world of impressive calisThenics skills and functional muscles. With detailed descriptions, technique explanations, and personalized workout plans, you can progress at your own pace and achieve your fitness goals. Say goodbye to generic workouts and hello to mastering skills like Muscle Ups, Planche, and Handstand Push Ups. Click now to start your calisThenics journey with Thenics!

  • Thenics Screenshot 0
  • Thenics Screenshot 1
  • Thenics Screenshot 2
  • Thenics Screenshot 3
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