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Team Fortress 2 Modders在阀门发布完整的客户端和服务器游戏代码时欢喜

作者 : Aaliyah Mar 21,2025

惊喜! Valve已释放了对源SDK的大规模更新,包括完整的Team Fortress 2客户端和服务器游戏代码。这种前所未有的举动使玩家从头开始构建全新的游戏,提供了超越Steam Worksop或典型的本地内容mod的修改水平。现在,Modders拥有更改,扩展甚至完全改写Team Fortress 2的自由,几乎可以想到的方式。

虽然禁止商业化(必须在非商业基础上自由分发派生的mod或衍生内容),但可以在Steam商店中发布,在Steam Game库中以不同的游戏形式出现。

In a blog post, Valve explained this decision, stating, "Players have a significant investment in their TF2 inventories, and Steam Workshop contributors have created a substantial amount of that content. The majority of items in the game are thanks to the community's hard work. To respect that, we're asking TF2 mod makers to continue respecting this connection and to refrain from creating mods intended to profit from Workshop contributors' efforts. We hope many mods will continue to allow players access to their TF2库存,在适当的情况下。”

此扩展的更新还扩展到Valve的多人源发动机标题的整个后电视,其中包含了64位二进制支持,可扩展的HUD/UI,预测修复以及Team Fortress 2,DOD:S,HL2:HL2:DM,CS:S:S:S:S和HLDM:s的其他改进。

经过七年的预期,12月向Team Fortress 2漫画发布了第七次也是最后一次更新。这些漫画不仅是粉丝的丰富知识和角色发展来源,而且还证明了瓦尔夫对最持久的特许经营之一的持久承诺。

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